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What does "MO" mean after the name of a US city?
The state abbreviation (such as MO) is sometimes required because quite often there is more than one city with the same name in the US. There is a "Portland" in Maine and one in Oregon; Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas (same city, but the state line runs across the city), and almost each state has it's own "Springfield".

B1/B2 visa refused twice. Will my ESTA be approved?
I was denied B1/B2 visa twice 2002 and 2004. Subsequently US visas were issued 2005, 2007, 2010, 2014. No other refusals any country. Travelled to USA and UK several times and always stayed within

How to get from the Faroe Islands to the Shetland Islands
The only other common destination from Tórshavn and Lerwick is Bergen, Norway (BGO), but the there are no flights on a common weekday. FAE-BGO is flown Mo/We/Th/Fr, while LSI-BGO is only flown on Tu/Sa. does not seem to know any flights at all to Lerwick. –

I have two passports/nationalities. How do I use them when I travel?
@jpatokal: One time I was called up to the counter at the gate on international departure from LAX. The airline wanted to double check my passport, because they only had the details for the passport A which I used to enter the US, but they wanted to confirm that I had documentation for my destination (passport B).

How to fill in a UK visa application form if you have no surname on ...
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

What's the easiest way to get to Albuquerque, NM from Madison, WI?
Kansas City, MO; Emporia, KS; Wichita, KS; Santa Rosa, NM; Albuquerque, NM; Everything to the east of Colorado is going to be pretty flat, but this route also avoids Raton in NM on I-25 (which has the Raton pass), and the minor winding bits just east of Santa Fe on I-25.

Drive from Hong Kong to Macau, without entering Mainland China
Reason 1 is that your rental car won't have dual plates HK/MO, without which it's impossible to drive to Macau. Although it seems that the bridge has a quota system for HK drivers, with a HK driver's license, going to Macau, and instead of a double plate, you need to register with the government and stick a permit on your windshield.

Can Indian citizen travel to India from Australia with passport ...
Yes, you can travel to India on an Indian passport with less than 6 months validity. Six-month validity rules apply when entering foreign countries, not your own home country, and not all countries have that requirement.

USA Permanent Resident through Asylum, visiting Colombia
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

What's the difference between 'Redress Number' and 'Known Traveler ...
Global entry gets you PreCheck. There are more details at From the link: Global entry members are eligible to participate in TSA Precheck Logo. U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents enrolled in NEXUS or SENTRI are also eligible to participate in TSA Precheck Logo, as well as Canadian citizens who are members of NEXUS.



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