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"High-schooler" vs. "high schooler" - English Language & Usage Stack ...
By far the preferred nomenclature was high school student. High schooler was a distant third, and high-schooler barely mapped. This result was surprising given the rule of hyphenating compound adjectives, but I guess that high school without a hyphen is a standard morphology.

in high school / at high school | WordReference Forums
At/In High school b) When I was In/at high school IN Use 'in' with spaces: in a room / in a building; in a garden / in a park; Use 'at' with static (non-movement) verbs and places: at the cinema; at work; at home; AT Use 'at' with places: at the bus-stop; at the door; at the cinema; at the end of the street

What to call Primary School + High School, but not College
I went to a K-8 school, but it did have different terms for what the grades were. Kindergarten was just kindergarten, grades 1-3 were elementary school, grades 4-5 were grade school, and grades 6-8 were middle school. After that, I went to a different school for high school, grades 9-12. –

Grammar School vs. High School - WordReference Forums
To add to Keith Bradford's reply, 'High School' in England is merely part of a school's name. Skipton Girl's High School, for instance, is actually a grammar school. There are also a few instances of schools with 'grammar school' in the title, which aren't actually grammar schools in the way the term is usually used, such as 'Manchester Grammar ...

When I say 'She teaches high school English', do I use H and S as ...
"She teaches high school English." is correct. This is going to be 99% of cases. You might use capitals if she teaches a specific course, whose formal title is "High School English". Under more bizarre circumstances you might capitalize if she taught English at a specific school called High School (presumably in the little-known town of 'High').

to graduate from high school | WordReference Forums
I know that the French do not have a high school graduation ceremony like we do in the U.S. but I want to translate: He graduated from high school. Would either of these be correct? Il a terminé le lycée. Il a terminé la terminale.

I'm a teacher and I teach at/in school OR at/in a school
I teach high school here at a private school. (SPOK) I teach history in high school. (SPOK) I teach religion in high school. (SPOK) with school as modifier (11 hits) The possible construction is no preposition + zero article. I teach high school English. (SPOK (1 time), FIC (4 times)) I teach high/middle school students. (SPOK (2 times), MAG (1 ...

terminology - Is there a general term encompassing primary ...
Is there a general term encompassing the primary, intermediate, and secondary school levels? Perhaps pre-university or pre-college, maybe even prep school. However, the last of these, as I saw on , refers rather to private and parochial schools.

FR: I studied French when I was in high school
For a simple translation like "high school," just use the Dictionary Look-up at the top of your screen. (Hint: you will need to be specific about the audience: Québec, Ontario, European countries--each has different names for this)

word choice - Which grade/class are you? - English Language & Usage ...
and the answer would either be a number grade First grade through Twelfth grade, or a high school student might answer with freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior (when I went to school 40 years ago, grades 7-9 were often junior high school, so freshmen didn't usually identify themselves that way).



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