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AikiWeb Aikido Information
Jiai has been a place of connection for Aikido practitioners worldwide, for many years now, and was the host of the very first Bridge Seminar held 18 years ago. Please join us with instructors Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan, Dave Goldberg Sensei, Jeff Sodeman Sensei, Cat Strada Sensei, and AlejAndro Anastasio Sensei for an amazing ...

What is the difference in Aikido styles? - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Hello and thank you for visiting AikiWeb, the world's most active online Aikido community! This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and covers a wide range of aikido topics including techniques, philosophy, history, humor, beginner issues, the marketplace, and more.

AikiWeb Aikido Information: Aikido Dojo Search Engine
1,742,229 aikido dojo searches completed since 1997 5,486 total aikido dojo in 129 countries

AikiWeb Aikido Information: Language: Aikido Vocabulary
The word "aikido" is made up of three Japanese characters: AI - harmony, KI - spirit, mind, or universal energy, DO - the Way. Thus aikido is "the Way of Harmony with Universal Energy." However, AIKI may also be interpreted as "accommodation to circumstances."

AikiWeb Aikido Information: Aikido Dojo Search Engine: Search Results
Aikido: AikiWeb Aikido Information AikiWeb: The Source for Aikido Information AikiWeb's principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information.

Mixing Aikido with other martial arts - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and covers a wide range of aikido topics including techniques, philosophy, history, humor, beginner issues, the marketplace, and more. If you wish to join in the discussions or use the other advanced features available, you will need to register first.

Am I too old to start? - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Hello and thank you for visiting AikiWeb, the world's most active online Aikido community! This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and covers a wide range of aikido topics including techniques, philosophy, history, humor, beginner issues, the marketplace, and more.

Highest ranking aikidoka - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
What I have been told is, that 8. dan is the highest rank achievable as long as you are looking at ability within the art. 9th and 10th dan however are grades handed out very rarely as signs of gratitude for an extraordinary effort to develop and/or spread Aikido throughout the world - usaully as a life-long commitment.

Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away AikiWeb System. Posted 2021-02-22 15:18:35 by Jun Akiyama I have just been informed that Donovan Waite (7th dan, Aikido Institute of Philadelphia) has passed away, The United States Aikido Federation has posted onto Facebook, "We were notified of this tragic news today and at this time, we have no other information to share.

AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Hello and thank you for visiting AikiWeb, the world's most active online Aikido community! This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and covers a wide range of aikido topics including techniques, philosophy, history, humor, beginner issues, the marketplace, and more.



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